Download Latest Resurrection Remix Nougat 7.1 For Redmi Note 1 (dior) : Ressurection Remix ROM is the best rom for customization and because resurretion remix is a compilation of findings from several custom rom like Cyanogenmod, Omni, AOKP, and Slim ROM.
This creates an awesome combination of performance, customization, power and the most new features, brought directly to your Device.
This creates an awesome combination of performance, customization, power and the most new features, brought directly to your Device.
resurrection of Remix OS offers personalized menus and abundant functions. By going to the menu menu on the Settings menu, there are 10 tabs that I can change according to my taste.
Starting from the status bar, panels, recently accessed apps, quick settings, lock screen, motion gestures, buttons, animations, interfaces, and other settings can be set easily.
The first I customize is to bring up a network traffic indicator. This menu can be accessed from the status bar tab in the network traffic menu.
I also changed the look of the last app accessed from the AOSP (Android Open Source Project) default menu to a sleeker and more sleek grid.
Resurrection Remix OS also supports guest mode and multiunun. This is very useful when the phone is borrowed by people and I do not want people to access the app and everything on my phone.
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